“If you want to learn something, teach it. 
Become a Vedic Meditation Initiator and serve yourself, others, and the greatest need of our time.”          ~Tim Brown

Tim has designed this Integrated Initiator Training (IIT) course to share with you the ancient methods of initiation and instruction in the art of teaching                Vedic Meditation.

Tim conducts Initiator Training in an integrated non-residential format. Fully engaged in the modern world, balancing the demands of families, friends, work colleagues, our local community, jobs and careers, and our broader interests.

Course Eligibility

To be eligible to join this program, you will have been practicing Vedic Meditation for a minimum of twelve months and attended at least one Residential Weekend Retreat or Advanced Mantra Technique.

Application to join the course will be made in writing, stating your intention behind wanting to become a Vedic Meditation teacher.

For more information and to receive the full
IIT 2023 Information Packet
With either the intention of applying for this year’s course or for the future.
Please contact us directly at [email protected]